CROSSOVER: Guide Rails
by Donald J. Galade on October 24th, 2023
My faith cannot be based on anyone else’s faith.  1 Corinthians 1:10-17 If you have ever traveled in a car you probably have noticed some long metal fences along the edges of the road. They are called “guide rails” because they help guide you on the path to reach your destination. They won’t always stop you though, if you hit them hard enough you can go right through! You are still expected to be ...  Read More
Sal's Blog 4.29
by Sal Reyes on October 24th, 2023
Wednesday Night Men’s ThoughtDo you like playing games?Are you a gamer?There are many different types of games…video games, board games, word games, card games…Why do we like to play games… could it be because we like to win…How do we determine if we win or lose a game? A set of rules…A set of rules or guidelines….things that are true…usually a manual…directionsWhat about games we play…based on ru...  Read More
Sal's Blog 5.7.2020
by Donald (DJ) Galade on October 24th, 2023
Wednesday Night Men’s ThoughtA powerful thing in our lives is our emotions…The most powerful emotion in our lives is fear…Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous… likely to cause pain…or a threat.One of the enemy’s most popular weapons that he uses against us is fear. Worry and anxiety and fear…can overwhelm us, controlling our every move and decis...  Read More
CROSSOVER 11/11: True Story - Intro
by Donald J. Galade on October 24th, 2023
Before we can know who we are, we need to understand who God is.  Exodus 34:6  This is how God describes Himself. That means everything He does, and everything that happened in the Bible, and everything going on in our world is based on these. God’s 5 Attributes:CompassionMercySlow to angerUnfailing LoveFaithfulness Over the past few weeks we learned about the 4 key values of our church. What are ...  Read More
Crossover - SHARE
by Donald (DJ) Galade on October 24th, 2023
Be a Witness Matthew 28:19-20 We have a great responsibility to SHARE Jesus with people, but SAVING them is not our job.God is not asking you to save anyone, know all the answers, or get it right every time.That’s His job. That’s what Jesus did, and what the Holy Spirit will do.He is just looking for us to be simply obedient and tell other people about Jesus. How do we do that?There are many ways,...  Read More
Crossover - SERVE
by Donald J. Galade on October 24th, 2023
Faithfulness = Service  Matthew 25: 14-30  Ultimately our gifts are given that we should use them for God’s glory. And God is never more glorified then when we are telling people about Jesus.The wicked servant is the one who has a gift, but he just shows up. Sure he is there at church, but he is doing nothing to multiple.The faithful servants are the ones who are serving and seeking to bring other...  Read More
Crossover - GROW
by Donald J. Galade on October 24th, 2023
We Can Grow Together John 15:4 When you look at a fruit tree, do you see the fruit or the roots? You only see the fruit. You can’t see the roots. That’s how our lives are too. I can’t by looking at you, see how close you are to Jesus. And you can’t tell how close I am by looking at me. We can see the fruit, we can see how people live their lives, how they spend their time and money, how they talk ...  Read More
Crossover from Death to Life
by Donald J. Galade on October 24th, 2023
Crossover from Death to Life John 5:24 The Bible tells us that we are all born spiritually dead. At some point in the future, God is going to remove all evil and death from the world and put it into a place called hell. Somewhere totally separate, where that evil can never again harm God’s good creation.That sounds great and is something to look forward too.But there is a problem here…did you not...  Read More
Rock and a Hard Place
by Donald (DJ) Galade on October 19th, 2023
Hard Choices Are an Opportunity to Trust God Matthew 7:24-27 God didn't promise to save either of the builders from the storm. They both went through it; wise and foolish alike.But the one who trusted God, stood firm. The one who didn’t collapsed.Storms will come. There will be things in life we don't understand. Death, sickness, problems, financial issues, friendship betrayals, they all happen to...  Read More
Sal's Blog 9.9.20
by Sal Reyes on October 19th, 2023
Type your new text here. A 3 day trial a one week or one month trial….maybe a free year…Why do you think they do things like that?What is a trial?A trial is a test of the performance, qualities, or suitability of something.So we test it and decide whether we think it fits us or our lives….What happens with trials….with tests….Sometimes we pass…sometimes we fail…but with free trials…we forget to ca...  Read More
SQUAD UP: Stand Strong
by Donald (DJ) Galade on October 19th, 2023
We can stand strong together. Ephesians 6:10-20 Have you ever gone roller skating? It's not as easy as you might think! When people go roller skating, they sometimes think holding hands with a friend will help them stay standing. But most of the time, they're, uh, wrong. Instead of helping each other stay standing, they end up sprawled all over the ground. Roller skating probably isn't going to be...  Read More
Sal’s Blog 6/10/2020
by Donald (DJ) Galade on October 19th, 2023
Have you ever done a trust fall with a brother or friend…did they catch you…How about a young relationship, you got involved and your trust got violated…It can be hard to trust after getting hurt especially in areas of vulnerability like love…What is trust?Trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.What are the elements of trust?Positive relation...  Read More