Find out everything you need to know to make your first time with us a success.
About Us
Faith is a church family of enthusiastic people who are passionate about our faith in God and about making a difference in our world! It is the heartbeat of our pastor, staff, and church family that all people be given a clear presentation of the gospel and experience the warmth of having a personal relationship with God. Therefore, our Sunday worship experience encourages personal participation in praise and worship as well as relevant and practical biblical teaching and encouragement. Our core values are summed up in Growing, Connecting, Serving, and Sharing.
First Time Walkthrough
We are on Fox Manor Rd, off State Route 93. Look for our teal sign between Fineline Homes and AT&T.
At the end of Fox Manor is our parking lot. Handicap parking is available in multiple locations.
- At the base of the ramp to to main entrance
- Level parking and automatic door available on the left-most side of the building.
As you enter through the main doors, you will see our "Connect Center". This is the main hub of our church.
- Here you will find information about our church,
- Signups for events and activities,
- A special gift for our first time guests,
- And friendly people who can help you get where you need to go.
Going on from the Connect Center, on your left you will see the stairs that lead down to our "FLC, family life center", which is what we call our downstairs gym area. This is where our Crossover Youth Group meets on Wednesday nights, and where our Spanish service takes place on Sunday mornings. An elevator is also located by the main entrance.
After that on the left is our "Well Cafe". Here after each service we invite you to enjoy some free coffe and desserts, with additional items available for purchase. This is a great place to find a seat and get to know people!
Along the right side you will see our "Kid's Clubhouse" check in. This is where children who are infants through sixth grade can be checked in for children's church, which takes place during our service. This system is to insure the safety of all children and make sure each child leaves with the adult they came with. When you check in you will recive a few stickers. One per child with their name on it, along with their pickup code. This sticker is to be worn on the child. You will also receive a matching pickup code. You will need to show this when you return to pickup your child after service.
Infants and preschoolers can go into their classrooms immediately after check in, which are at the end of the hall on the right. The rest of the kids join our main service for the music portion, and then are dismissed to their classes where they can be picked up later.
Our children's workers all go through background and clearance checks.
Infants and preschoolers can go into their classrooms immediately after check in, which are at the end of the hall on the right. The rest of the kids join our main service for the music portion, and then are dismissed to their classes where they can be picked up later.
Our children's workers all go through background and clearance checks.
Past the Well and to the left of the Kid's Clubhouse checkin, is the entrance to our sanctuary, the auditorium where our service will take place. As you enter our ushers will hand you a bulletin with information about that days message as well as some up coming events. As you enter our ushers will help you find an open seat. As you sit down, on the back of the chair in front of you is a connect card. This can be filled out physically or digitally via the QR code. Turn this in at the Connect Center on your way out to recieve your first time guest gift.
Our services are typically an hour and a half. They begin after a five minute countdown video, and a few announcements via video. Then we begin by singing a few songs in worship to God. During the third song we invite people who want to participate in worship by giving financially to bring their gift up to a basket on the platform. Guests are under no compulsion to give, this is voluntary for those who desire to. After the service we encourage you to grab a snack from the Well, and go to the Connect Center if you have anymore questions about our church! We hope you have a wonderful first visit and hope to see you again!
Our services are typically an hour and a half. They begin after a five minute countdown video, and a few announcements via video. Then we begin by singing a few songs in worship to God. During the third song we invite people who want to participate in worship by giving financially to bring their gift up to a basket on the platform. Guests are under no compulsion to give, this is voluntary for those who desire to. After the service we encourage you to grab a snack from the Well, and go to the Connect Center if you have anymore questions about our church! We hope you have a wonderful first visit and hope to see you again!
9:00 AM | First Service
11:00 AM | Second Service
11:00 AM | Spanish Service
9:00 AM | First Service
11:00 AM | Second Service
11:00 AM | Spanish Service
10:00 AM | Service
10:00 AM | Service
10:00 AM | Service
10:00 AM | Service
6:00 PM | Service
6:00 PM | Service
7:00 PM | Kids, Youth, Young Adults, Men's, Women's Groups
7:00 PM | Kids, Youth, Young Adults, Men's, Women's Groups
7:00 PM | Kids, Youth, Men's, Women's Groups
7:00 PM | Kids, Youth, Men's, Women's Groups
7:00 PM | Kids, Adult Bible Study
7:00 PM | Kids, Adult Bible Study
Our Core Values

Growing our relationship with Jesus.
We believe the Bible is God’s Holy Word and is the only infallible, unfading, reliable source of truth to build our foundation for life upon. We believe that real-life transformation and discipleship occur through the anointed teaching and studying of God’s Word. (Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 4:2, James 1:22-25).

Connecting in Biblical community.
We desire an atmosphere of growth that encourages and strengthens marriages and families. We are committed to strong children, youth and adult ministries. (Genesis 1:26-28, Psalms 8:1-2, 127:3-5, Matthew 19:4-6)
God’s message of love and forgiveness through Christ is best seen at work within the context of personal relationships. Our small groups (Life Groups) offer loving friendships, spiritual growth, and accountability through authentic community. We strive to share life together! (Acts 2:42-46, John 13:9-17, 1 Corinthians 12 & 14, 1 Thess. 2:8)
God’s message of love and forgiveness through Christ is best seen at work within the context of personal relationships. Our small groups (Life Groups) offer loving friendships, spiritual growth, and accountability through authentic community. We strive to share life together! (Acts 2:42-46, John 13:9-17, 1 Corinthians 12 & 14, 1 Thess. 2:8)

Serving others like Jesus.
We believe every follower of Christ is a minister and is to use their spiritual gifts and talents to serve others within our church and throughout the world. (Matthew 20:26, Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:7, Ephesians 4:11-13, 1 Peter 4:10-11).
We believe that God gave His best when He sent His one and only Son, Christ Jesus, to earth to offer us eternal life with Him. Therefore, we seek to honor Him through our commitment to excellence. We strive for excellence in everything we do because we believe excellence inspires people to higher levels of commitment, confidence and Christian living. (Malachi 1:6-14, John 3:16, Colossians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 14:12)
We believe that God gave His best when He sent His one and only Son, Christ Jesus, to earth to offer us eternal life with Him. Therefore, we seek to honor Him through our commitment to excellence. We strive for excellence in everything we do because we believe excellence inspires people to higher levels of commitment, confidence and Christian living. (Malachi 1:6-14, John 3:16, Colossians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 14:12)

Sharing the Gospel with all people.
We believe that God wants us to follow His Great Commission and reach all of those who have not been introduced to a relationship with Him. We believe God wants us to be a globally minded church. We desire to share the love of Jesus Christ to the Hazleton Area, it’s surrounding regions and communities around the world. (Matthew 5:13-16, 25:31-46, 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 10:25-37, John 13:34-35, Acts 1:8)
We believe that God is very relevant to the cultures, races and generations of today. We seek to share God’s word with understanding, creativity and innovation. All who come will have the opportunity to receive the good news in a doctrinally pure and culturally relevant way. (Psalm 133:1, John 17:20-24, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, 12:12-27, James 2:1-9, Revelation 5:9-10)
We believe that God is very relevant to the cultures, races and generations of today. We seek to share God’s word with understanding, creativity and innovation. All who come will have the opportunity to receive the good news in a doctrinally pure and culturally relevant way. (Psalm 133:1, John 17:20-24, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, 12:12-27, James 2:1-9, Revelation 5:9-10)
Our Ministries & Programs
We strive to offer your children an atmosphere where they can have fun, where they can be safe, and where they can learn and experience the love of God.
CrossOver is a youth ministry that offers a youth church service each week, small groups, special events, missions trips, and leadership experiences. CrossOver’s mission is to connect students to Christ, to help students grow in their walk with Christ, and to reach the lost!
Being a “young adult” can look very different; maybe you’re in college. Maybe you’re in the workforce. You could be married., single, or engaged. Maybe you have kids. You might live on your own, or with a roommate, in a dorm, or you may still be living with your family. The thing that connects us is JESUS.
It’s time to be different. As iron sharpens iron we will ask and answer the question and dilemmas facing men today. This journey of life is not meant to be traveled alone. So together we will laugh in the good times and tough it out in the bad. But know this, no one is alone here. We are our brother’s keepers. So take a deep breath and get in and enjoy the ride with us.
Find your place to fit in, to grow, and to strengthen your relationship with the Lord in any season of your life! Seasons Women’s Ministry is designed to support all women as they follow God’s plan for their lives. You have many titles: daughter, sister, wife, mom, friend… but always remember your best title: child of God
We invite you to come out for a time of food, fellowship and fun as we grow deeper in the word of God and deeper in the friendships we form in this group.
Meet the Team

Rodney Murphy
Lead Pastor, Hazleton Campus
"My passion is to love people and make disciples and then do this life journey together"
Pastor Rodney has been serving the Lord in full time pastoral ministry since 1992. Originally from Northeast Ohio, Rodney and his wife Stephanie have served at churches in Chesterland, Ohio, Lancaster, Pa and Reading. Pastor Rodney enjoys playing and watching a variety of sports, reading, traveling, teaching and being a dad.
Pastor Rodney's desire is to lead Faith as a community of believers based on our relationships: with God, with each other and with our community. His theme verse for his call is, 1 Thessalonians 2:8- "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well..."
Pastor Rodney has been serving the Lord in full time pastoral ministry since 1992. Originally from Northeast Ohio, Rodney and his wife Stephanie have served at churches in Chesterland, Ohio, Lancaster, Pa and Reading. Pastor Rodney enjoys playing and watching a variety of sports, reading, traveling, teaching and being a dad.
Pastor Rodney's desire is to lead Faith as a community of believers based on our relationships: with God, with each other and with our community. His theme verse for his call is, 1 Thessalonians 2:8- "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well..."

Sal Reyes
Lead Pastor, Weatherly Campus
Sal Reyes is passionate about his relationship with Jesus and desires to share His love with the world. He has been pastoring since 2008, with the last three years as Lead Pastor at Weatherly Faith Church alongside his wonderful wife Maryann and daughter Megan. He has spent a lot of time doing community outreach in various ways and loves to get his hands dirty. He has held his License with the Assemblies of God since 2017 and is actively working towards Ordination. Sal has been happily married to Maryann for 34 years and has been blessed with two daughters, one son-in-law, and one wonderful granddaughter.
Mo Gregory
Lead Pastor, Nanticoke Campus
Maureen Gregory (Mo) is originally from Long Island, New York. After coming to this area she met her husband Rich. Mo and Rich have three sons, Alex, Aiden & Andy live in Sheppton, PA.
“One of my favorite life-changing experiences was at a Children’s Winter Breakaway, where I discovered that the Holy Spirit can fill, move and use children in a very powerful, very real way. It is in my heart to reach children wherever they are. Children matter. God loves them and their families love them. If I can show one child that Jesus loves them, they can take that love, multiply it and transform an entire family. I know this because I did just that with my own family.”
“One of my favorite life-changing experiences was at a Children’s Winter Breakaway, where I discovered that the Holy Spirit can fill, move and use children in a very powerful, very real way. It is in my heart to reach children wherever they are. Children matter. God loves them and their families love them. If I can show one child that Jesus loves them, they can take that love, multiply it and transform an entire family. I know this because I did just that with my own family.”
Dj Galade
Associate/ Youth Pastor, Hazleton Campus
Donald J. (DJ) Galade grew up in the Hazleton area and actually began attending Faith Church when he was 11. After receiving a call to ministry and completing school at Northeast Ministry School, he now serves on staff as an Associate/Youth Pastor since 2018. He married his wife Autumn Galade in 2020, and she now serves as Faith Church's worship leader.
He strives to create a dynamic and relevant ministry students want to be a part of. To equip and enable students to take ownership of and use their gifts on a regular bases. To develop a culture of transparent, sincere worship that permeates lives. To instill Biblical teaching in students; so they know what they believe and can defend it. To facilitate the growth of ACTIVE faith. And, to have fun!
He strives to create a dynamic and relevant ministry students want to be a part of. To equip and enable students to take ownership of and use their gifts on a regular bases. To develop a culture of transparent, sincere worship that permeates lives. To instill Biblical teaching in students; so they know what they believe and can defend it. To facilitate the growth of ACTIVE faith. And, to have fun!
Rachel Harding
Children's Pastor, Hazleton Campus
Rachel grew up attending Faith Church and has several years of experience in children’s ministry. She is currently enrolled in Global University’s Berean School of the Bible.
She loves building relationships with children and desires for them to have a firm foundation in God’s word, to have their own personal relationship with Jesus, and to see Him transform their hearts.
She wants children to have fun and love being a part of the Faith Kids’ Clubhouse!
She loves building relationships with children and desires for them to have a firm foundation in God’s word, to have their own personal relationship with Jesus, and to see Him transform their hearts.
She wants children to have fun and love being a part of the Faith Kids’ Clubhouse!