Big Difficulties can Inspire God-Sized Goals

Big Difficulties can Inspire God-Sized Goals
Nehemiah 1:1-2:5; Mark 16:15
Do you have any big goals for your life? Yes? No? Not sure yet? We all want to make a difference in the world, but to do that, we need to set goals. There’s a guy in the Bible named Nehemiah who understood this, because he had a big goal inspired by a big problem. God’s people (the Jews) were in trouble. Their city, Jerusalem, was falling apart and they were in danger of being attacked by enemy armies. So Nehemiah set a God-sized goal: find a way to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, so God’s people would be protected and God would be honored. I know the question, “What are my goals for my life?” could be scary. But instead of waiting around for inspiration or cues, what if you (like Nehemiah) looked around for problems that need to be solved? Whether those problems impact you, others, or the whole world, big difficulties can inspire God-sized goals.
- What’s your New Year’s resolution?
- What’s one goal you set but never accomplished? Why did your goal get side-tracked?
- Which is most difficult for you: setting goals or achieving your goals? What’s difficult about it?
- What was Nehemiah’s goal and why was it so important to him?
- How do you think prayer could help you set or achieve your goals?
- What are some examples of goals that benefit people other than ourselves?
- Read Mark 16:15. What “God-sized goal” does Jesus give us? What problems or difficulties are fixed when this goal is achieved?
- What’s one “you-sized” goal you want to accomplish? What difficulties have inspired that goal?
- Do you have a “God-sized” goal you want to accomplish? What is it and what difficulties have inspired that goal?
- How can our group help you set or achieve a goal this week?