In Matthew 28, Jesus commanded His followers to go and make disciples. From those 11 apostles grew a movement, a church with nearly 2 billion adherents worldwide. But Jesus didn’t command the apostles to go and make converts, go and build a big church, go and gain numbers. He said go make disciples. A disciple is simply a learner. One who learns. One who follows. And that is what all of us are supposed to be. People who never stop learning about God and do their best to follow His example.
Matthew 28:19-20 NIV
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
As part of our church’s commitment to “Help all people become fully devoted followers of Jesus,” we decided to make GROWING one of our main focuses. We strive to create high-quality yet easily understood content to help make the complex parts of the Bible, Christianity, and God be understood by all.

Discipleship 101 is a series designed to explain the basics of our Faith and discuss often-used words and ideas that can be confusing.
Practical Fasting Tips
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What is Evil? Where Did it Come From? (The Fall of Man)
January 19th, 2024
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Is Jesus God?
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Type your new text here. Is Jesus God? The whole world is divided over that question. Was Jesus a good man, a prophet, or God? How we answer that question changes everything. It will reflect how we think, how we live, and ultimately how we relate to God. Before deciding who Jesus is, we must establish that He existed. Was He a real, living, breathing person who walked on the earth? Is Jesus just s...
Discipleship 101
January 12th, 2024
Type your new text here. In Matthew 28, Jesus commanded His followers to go and make disciples. From those 11 apostles grew a movement, a church with nearly 2 billion adherents worldwide. But Jesus didn’t command the apostles to go and make converts, go and build a big church, go and gain numbers. He said go make disciples. A disciple is simply a learner. One who learns. One who follows. And that ...
What is the Trinity?
January 12th, 2024
Type your new text here. What is the Trinity? Do Christians have one God or three? How can God be three in one? Are all members of the Trinity equal? While you will not read the word “Trinity” in the Bible, you will find the concept all over, even on page one. Throughout the Old Testament, God appears as multiple persons- distinct yet the same. In Genesis 1 alone, God and the Spirit of God appear,...