Reshaped: Day 14 - Mary

    Reading Acts 2:40-47

Today’s scripture came after Peter’s first Spirit-filled sermon. As a result three thousand travelers were saved on that very day. And the church of Jesus Christ was launched with power.

The early church in the book of Acts is the most organic framework for the church, for it fully captures Jesus’ intent for the life of believers.

Jesus’ brothers, James and Jude, went on to write books that were placed in the New Testament. And Mary lived out her days with John as her adopted son.

An extravagant act of sacrifice brought forth a Messiah. And through His birth, uncountable, immeasurable blessings were born. For God so loved the world…


  • How has God transformed you through the Spirit that lives in you?

Today’s meditation: God’s transformative power through Jesus’ life

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