Reshaped: Day 11 - Mary

    Reading John 7:1-9

The four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell the story of Jesus earthly life. The numerous miracles He performed, His incredible teachings, His exhaustive evangelist crusades, and His untimely death are thoroughly documented. Though Jesus’ teachings were unacceptable to the religious leaders, the people were being set free. Uncountable healings flooded the surrounding villages and towns. Jesus’ preaching set the Israelites ablaze! And the religious establishment was enraged!

Jesus’ teachings did not fit the narrative of His day. In today’s reading we see Jesus’ own brothers did not believe in Him. This added another layer of complexity to Mary’s world.

Can you imagine the turmoil in her heart? By this time scripture stopped documenting Joseph’s life. We can only surmise that he passed away. This made Mary’s life more difficult since her reliance was on Jesus’ brothers, the men who vehemently opposed Jesus. 


  • In Luke 2:35 Simeon prophesied that a sword would pierce Mary’s heart. Think about the many swords that pierced Mary’s heart on this very difficult journey. A mother cannot separate her emotions from her child’s heart. Though Jesus was the Messiah, Mary endured pain unspeakable through His suffering. What do you think that was like?

Today’s meditation: Mary’s resilience in the face of uprising pressure 

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