Reshaped: Day 1- Moses

The Prompting
Reading Exodus 3:1-10

Could life be more mundane and predictable than shepherding a flock on the backside of the desert? Life was remote. Days were scorching hot. And the world was simple.
Until God invaded a bush with fire, but the plant was not consumed. Moses came closer to investigate the phenomenon. He was met by a powerful voice, “Take off your sandals for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”

Forty years of shepherding was about to be swallowed by a new command to return to Egypt, a land he escaped so long ago. He was called to be an instrument God would use to set the Israelites free from the harsh oppression they were experiencing under the reign of Pharaoh.

What was more shocking? The burning bush or the seemingly insurmountable directive to face Pharaoh?

Moses was about to climb onto a painful anvil whereby his shape, thinking, and perspective would change forever.


  • What does God call you to do that makes you uncomfortable?
  • What have you experienced through obedience?
  • Are there strongholds that stop you from doing what God asks of you?
  • What strongholds do you experience? Call them out by name.

Today’s meditation: God’s wisdom through difficult callings

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