Practical Fasting Tips

You decided to fast- or are just looking to learn more about it. What is it? Why do we do it? How do we even start? That's what we will discuss in this article.

What is fasting?

Fasting is the practice of saying no to something for a time, so we can say yes to God. It’s giving something up that we enjoy, in order to more fully give our attention to Him. Fasting in the Bible most often refers to abstaining from food for a limited and set period of time.

  • Moses (40-day fast) - Exodus 34:28
  • Elijah (40-day fast) - 1 Kings 19:8
  • Esther and the Jews (3-day fast) - Esther 4:16
  • Daniel (partial fast for 21 days) - Daniel 10:2–3
  • Jesus (40-day fast) - Matthew 4:2
  • The Early Church (fast before commissioning) - Acts 13:2–3
  • Paul (3-day fast after conversion) - Acts 9:9

But there are other examples of giving non-food things up as well.

  • Daniel (abstaining from anointing or grooming) - Daniel 10:2–3
  • Ezekiel (period of silence) - Ezekiel 3:26
  • Ninevites (wearing sackcloth and sitting in ashes) - Jonah 3:6–8

What kinds of fasts are there?

Since fasting is a personal spiritual practice between you and God, there isn't one right way to fast. One type of fast is not more spiritual then another. Anything given up with the intention of devoting it to God can be a fast. But there are some common methods.
Complete Fast
  • Abstaining from all food but not water for a set period of time.
  • Set periods of prayer, Bible reading, or worship.

Partial Fast
  • Restricting certain foods, such as meats, sweets, or processed foods, while still consuming fruits, vegetables, and water.
  • Or skipping certain meals (Eating breakfast and dinner, but skipping lunch).
  • Set periods of prayer, Bible reading, or worship.

Leisure Fast
  • Putting hobbies, routines, or entertainment on pause for a set period of time to use that time for prayer, Bible reading, or worship. Examples:
    • Pausing a Sport
    • Stopping Video Games
    • Cutting out TV
    • Staying off Social Media
    • Any other leisure activity

Don't Erase- Replace!

It's important to remember fasting isn't about diets or disciplines- its about devotion to God. It isn't enough to cut out food or an activity- those actions must also be linked with increased spiritual desire and time with God.

Tips for Complete Fasting

Complete fasting ushers us into a state of dependance. When we go for prolonged periods without food, our bodies are drained and our minds are weak. This physical condition can position us to see more clearly whats of real importance- Jesus. But it can also make us vulnerable to temptation and in some cases- be unhealthy. It's important to be smart about fasting- taking into consideration our lifestyle, medical condition, and other factors.

  1. Take it slow- In the United States, most of our diets include alot of processed food. Thus our bodies are use to a high intake of salt and sugar. Going from this diet one day to a complete fast tomorrow can be like going 100mph into a brick wall. If complete fasting is our goal it would be best to first wean ourselves onto a healthier diet that can then be more safely fasted from. (Either before or as part of our fast).
  2. Length- if we have never fasted before it may be best to ease into the practice. Don't jump right into a 40 day complete fast! Start with one day- and see how your body handles it and any changes you might need to adjust. Then go on from there.
  3. The First 3 Days- are the hardest. During that time your stomach can actually shrink- and then after which the hunger response can lessen a bit.
  4. Medical Needs- Take into account any medications you regularly take that may require food. In some cases you may need to talk to your doctor first if complete fasting is healthy for you to do.
  5. After a fast- especially a longer one, start with light foods like fruits, soups, or broths to ease your digestive system back to normal. Avoid heavy or greasy foods: These can overwhelm your stomach and cause discomfort.
  6. Water is your friend- The key to fasting it to remain hydrated. Keeping hydrated can ease hunger pains as well as improve your mental state.

Tips for Partial Fasting

Another valid and Biblical way to fast is a partial fast- abstaining from certain foods. Partial fasting can also be short complete fasts- skipping certain meals. Many of the tips for complete fasting also apply, but here are some things to consider for partial fasts.

  1. Daniel Fast- This is one of the most famous types of fasting, and comes from Daniel 10:2–3 in the Bible. It involves eating only fruits, vegetables, grains, and drinking water. It typically excludes meat, dairy, processed foods, and sweeteners. The scripture itself lays out a very general idea of the fast. Different people go about the fast different ways, some taking extra care to avoid any sugar in their food, some just more generally following the guidelines. Whichever way you decide to fast- just fast. Stay on whatever your original commitment is, but don't spend more time stressing or preparing meals- that's the opposite of what fasting is!
  2. Liquid Fast- Abstaining from solid foods but allowing the consumption of liquids such as fruit juices, vegetable broths, or smoothies. This type of fast allows you to still take in needed nutrients, but in many regard can still feel much like a complete fast because of the lack of solid foods.
  3. Specific foods- Many people like to pick certain foods they particularly enjoy, such as sugary snacks or fried foods, to fast from.

Tips for Leisure Fasting

There are many good things that can be distractions. Fasting from them isn't about them being bad- its just about making time for what's better! This can be hobbies, activities, or events. In our modern age of cell phones and social media, there can be a lot of noise. Often what takes up most of our time is the internet. Decide for yourself what your time stealers are- and plan how you will give those things up for God. Even if food fasting, giving up social media or TV can be beneficial if not outright necessary to fast.

  1. Media Fasts- Don't use media to distract yourself from the fast- that defeats the purpose! Be intentional about what you cut out, and remember we are creatures of habit. I'm often surprised- and scared- by how often my thumb finds its way to the Facebook app- even when I didn't mean to open my phone!
    • If you are fasting TV, unplug the TV. Remove the temptation and accidents!
    • If you are fasting Facebook- uninstall the app. (Or any social media)
      • If you need to use social media for work, limit yourself to only using it on a computer or your phone's browser to help limit the temptation or unintentional use.
  2. Find meaningful activities- we turn to our hobbies because we enjoy them. In this time of fasting from them, try new God-centered activities that you find enjoyable.
    1. God for prayer walks in nature. (Go without music- resist the urge to fill the space with noise.)
    2. Read Christian books along side your Bible on topics you enjoy.
    3. Listen to sermons or Christian podcasts.
    4. Journal
    5. Watch Christian movies like the Chosen (if still watching TV)
    6. Make fasting fun!

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