Mark Part 2: Jesus is Willing (Mark 1:12-45)
by Felipe Castro on December 14th, 2023
This week at Crossover we continued talking about the book of Mark. Main Idea: Jesus is Willing to HealWe also discussed Mark 1:12-45. Some key takeaways:Jesus was tempted just like we are (Mark 1:12-13)Jesus is fulfilling the story of the Old Testament (Mark 1:14-15)Jesus has authority (Mark 1:21-28)Jesus is willing to heal (Mark 1:40-42) We are continuing through our series on Mark. Mark is one ... Read More
Mark Part 1: Who is Mark? (Mark 1:1-11)
by Donald J. Galade on December 14th, 2023
This week at Crossover we started talking about the book of Mark.We discussed who Mark was:An assistant to Paul and Barnabas on their missions trips.Assistant to Peter and the one who recorded Peter’s message; what we now call the gospel of Mark.He had a falling out with Paul but later the two became good friends.We also read through Mark 1:1-11. Some key takeaways:Mark gets right into the story- ... Read More
Spiritual Assessments
by Faith Church on December 9th, 2023
Spiritual Growth Assessment Spiritual Health Assessment and Planner... Read More
Evidence. Exhibit F: The Witness.
by Faith Church on December 9th, 2023
Sermon-Based Small GroupTitle: Evidence. Exhibit F: The Witness.Theme: Personal Evangelism.Get to Know Me: Where did you go to find adventure as a kid?Into the Bible Questions:Acts 8:1-12Why do you think this persecution motivated the church to share Jesus more?In verse 4, what do you think “preaching everywhere they went”, looked like?Has God ever done anything supernatural through you? Explain... Read More
Alive in 5: Sin Divides us From God
by Donald J. Galade on December 9th, 2023
Main Verse: Genesis 4:5 What is sin?The original understanding of sin was “missing the mark.”There are different kinds of sin, so sin can be actions as well as thoughts.Why does God hate sin?God hates sin because it hurts us and separates us from Him (Romans 6:23; Isaiah 59:2).How do we deal with sin?The apostle Paul wrote to his friend Timothy about how to deal with sin and gave some really great... Read More
Evidence. Exhibit E: Change.
by Faith Church on October 24th, 2023
Theme: The Transformation of a Believer’s Life.Get to Know Me: What is a hard-learned lesson from your life?Into the Bible Questions:John 3:16-21Describe how God’s love has changed your life.If God loves us so much, why would we have to reveal our shameful habits?How do you know if someone hates the Light?Who is God going to judge and not judge?Exposing the Real Issues in Our LivesEphesians 5:6-1... Read More
Evidence. Exhibit D: Your Generosity.
by Faith Church on October 24th, 2023
Theme: The Heart Issue of Money.Get to Know Me: What is the most unique thing you have every ordered online or had to go shopping to find?Into the Bible Questions:2 Corinthians 9:6-15Tell of a time you where you felt led to give? How did you feel afterwards?Tell of a time where you regret not giving? How did you feel afterwards?Why do you think our attitude matters when it comes to giving?What are... Read More
Alive in 5: God is Love
by Donald J. Galade on October 24th, 2023
Main Verse: 1 John 4:8God’s love is perfect concerning you.The very nature of God is love.God’s love is unchanging.God’s love is in pursuit of you.Love is a choice.Love is an action.God’s love performs the miraculous in you.God’s love empowers you to love.God empowers you to have confidence.“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he plann... Read More
Evidence: Exhibit C: Your Love Life.
by Faith Church on October 24th, 2023
Sermon-Based Small GroupTitle: Evidence. Exhibit C: Your Love Life.Theme: Is There enough evidence of proving you guilty of being a Christian?Get to Know Me: How would you describe your favorite meal — appetizer, drink, entree and/or dessert?Into the Bible Questions:Deuteronomy 11:1-15Why does obedience to God signify as love for God?Can someone love God and live in disobedience to Him? Explain... Read More
by Donald (DJ) Galade on October 24th, 2023
With only an estimated 12% of the Colombian population having experienced the wonders of salvation, there is much work to still be done. Matthew 28:18-20 tells us that we are to go into all the world and make disciples, teaching them to obey Christ and baptizing them.The need in Colombia is great, millions of people are trapped in tradition, needing to hear the Gospel. The Gospel that is the free ... Read More
by Faith Church on October 24th, 2023
Title: EvidenceTheme: Exhibit B: A Relationship.Get to Know Me: What is one spiritual tradition you have or always have wanted to have in your life or family?Into the Bible Questions:Romans 3:19-31What does the word “Law” mean?What is the purpose of the “Law” in this passage?What are the distinctions between people who live by the Law and those who live by faith?How would you describe your faith;... Read More
Exhibit A What Does it Mean to be Saved? | EVIDENCE
by Donald (DJ) Galade on October 24th, 2023
Sermon-Based Small GroupTitle: EvidenceTheme: Exhibit A: What Does it Mean to be Saved?Get to Know Me: As you grow older, what is one quality you hope to retain (besides a sound mind)?Into the Bible Questions:Ephesians 1:3-14How do you think God’s predestination works? Does this mean that some people have no chance to be saved? Why or why not?According to this passage, list what happens to thos... Read More